The dynamic team of Helen Moulder (Wellington, NZ) and Sue Ryder (Brisbane, Australia) are at it again, with their new production “The Bicycle & the Butcher’s Daughter” about to premier at Wellington’s Circa Theatre.
The dynamic team of Helen Moulder (Wellington, NZ) and Sue Ryder (Brisbane, Australia) are at it again, with their new production “The Bicycle & the Butcher’s Daughter” about to premier at Wellington’s Circa Theatre.
As a celebration of Rose’s life some of her friends compiled a song book with lyrics to be sung for Rose. Click on the linkRead More
Over the weekend of 15-17 October, audiences around the world can join online performances exploring the theme “mobilise/demoblise”. The festival launches the new and improvedRead More
A theatrical lecture with Jo Randerson, presenting material from her forthcoming book “Secret Art Powers”.
The first online Magdalena festival takes place 24-28 June 2021 and asks, what happens to theatre when bodies are distant?